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What is search engine optimization (SEO)?


SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is the art of showing your website or website content in the  top positions of Google search results or any other search engine search results without spending money or making any ad. SEO is the process of optimizing your online content based on user search keywords. So, the search engine will show your contents in the top positions of user search results, it’s also called organic listing.

In short, increasing the online visibility of your online content in the search results in an Organic method.

Importance of SEO in digital marketing

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a part of digital marketing strategy, as I mentioned before SEO is a digital marketing technique to bring traffic to your online properties. It is a long-time marketing strategy. It is a more effective and cost-effective marketing method compared to other digital marketing methods.

Digital marketing is the overall marketing method to promote products or services through the internet. It Includes Social Media Marketing, Email marketing, SEM, Video marketing, Influence marketing, and so on. Therefor Digital marketers should understand SEO Strategy and keep updated on the latest trends in all segments of Digital marketing

Importance of SEO in Business

Nowadays almost all business entities have their own online presence or online properties no matter which business are you doing. It can be Manufacturing, Healthcare, Retail, services, banking or Financial service, and more. Maybe your business is small or big, new or Old whatever it is, SEO is an extremely important factor for your online business success.

By doing Search Engine Optimization in your online property you will build your ranking and at the same time, you can understand the volume of website visitors, type of sales conversion, or leads that happened online, according to that you can build your marketing strategy and many more. So, if your SEO is perfect then it will give you a return in a long time constantly. That’s why SEO is so important and No chance to outdate the SEO Marketing method.

How Does Search Engine Optimization Work?

The search engine is a digital mechanism that runs by software. According to the user query the search engine will discover the content from the web by crawling. Crawling is the method of searching for content on the web. It is also known as spiders. Once the search engine discovers the data the search engine will index the content, then analyze the data and display it on the search results page. This process is associated with Website names, URLs, Page content, Meta tags, Links, Usability, accessibility Page design, etc.

Major Component Search engine optimization (SEO)

On-page SEO

It means the process of optimizing your pages on your website to increase visibility and ranking as per user search experience. To do a better on-page SEO below factors have an important role.


Content is the information that provides clarity about the user’s needs.

Content Quality


well written and highly valuable content will give you a better ranking in search engine search results. So, content Quality is very important in SEO.

Key Word Research


Investigate what type, words, or sentences people use to search on the search engines to reach your content and target that. Use those keywords in your web page contents.

Update contents


Do updates in your content as per the latest trends, technology, etc. Refreshing your content is a good way to increase visibility in search results.


Use multimedia, like Images, Video, and audio content on your web sites, it will help you to rank in search engine. 

Content is the answer


User is searching for their needs, research, or doubts in the search engine, therefore, your website content is the answer to a query or the needs of a user, which will help to rank in SERP (Search Engine Result Page).

Content Depth


A piece of content will not help you to get a ranking. A detailed, well-explained content has a chance to improve your search ranking.


Off-page SEO and Trust building

Off-Page SEO is the Opposite of On-Page SEO. It gets Valuable links pointing to your website from outside, for example, Wikipedia mentions your website link in between Wikipedia’s content which will give you more trust, which will increase your ranking Position.

Off-page SEO techniques


  • Valuable backlinks – Seek Links from trusted Quality websites
  • Guest Content
  • Social Media Post
  • Guest Content From third party Websites
  • Posting your website link in Forum Posting

Technical SEO & Website Architecture 

Technical SEO is a part of SEO. Mainly this is related to improving the technical aspect of a website to increase the ranking position of pages in the search engines. Technical SEO will help to crawl the webpage easily. Below mentioned aspects are related to technical SEO and website architecture. 

  • The website should optimize for computers, Mobile, and laptops.
  • Search engines must easily crawl your pages
  • Avoid duplicate pages
  • Ensure your website is able to load quickly on any device Like mobile, tablets.
  • Deactivate Unwanted Plugins
  • HTTPS- Provide Secure Connection for visitor
  • Use keywords in Your Web page URLs
  • Use keywords In the Title
  • Describe page contents in Meta description
  • Use keywords In Your H1 H2 headings
  • Use keywords in the Image Alt tag

Specializations in  SEO


In Digital Marketing, Search Engine Optimization is a major part and the experts are in real demand these days. Every Company or business Firms want to increase traffics to their online properties like website, so day by day the opportunities and demand for Search Engine Optimization Jobs also high.

An SEO expert can work as a Search Engine Marketer, Marketing Consultants, Marketing Analysts, Content Marketer, SEO Manager, etc., As an SEO expert, you are responsible to bring the company’s website to the top-ranking positions in Google or any other search engine like Yahoo Bing, etc.

To become an expert in SEO, you should have expertise in google search console, Google Analytics, and other SEO-related tools.

SEO specialization is also a well-paid job in the digital marketing industry.  The average salary in India: is ₹2,47,947 (annually. (Naukri, PayScale, Glassdoor)


The ultimate aim of Search engine Optimization is to strengthen the performance of your website in search engines by creating valuable and meaningful content like Video, text images, as part of on-page optimization and creating more backlinks, sharing in social media, improving website technical aspects as apart of off-page and technical optimization.

I hope this article will clear all your query-related aspects about SEO. Digital marketing is a continuous learning process. 

Comments and feedback are really appreciated.

 Thank you!


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