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Learn: The first step is Learning. It is a continuous process. learn and implement new skills and concepts based on your Niche.

Work: Once you learn a new skill, then apply it in your real life. Practice will make man perfect.

Blog:  Share your thoughts and experiences about your new skill through writing, it will help you to remember what you learned. By sharing with others it will automatically start building your brand name.

Consult: Now you started building your brand in a specific domine, and you can start consulting others in their business, or persons in the specific domine. This will accelerate your brand-building process.

Mentor: You can mentor other people who want to become successful in the specific Domine. Do teaching what you learn, and it will make you master in it

Startup: Once you have become a master in your domine, you can start your startup with a product or service, and you have already built a market